Wednesday, August 6, 2008

You can touch yourself but please don't touch me

To the man on the subway yesterday who felt the need to breathe on my neck, i hope i never run into you again. You smelled bad. Do you ride the #4 train everyday?

Nothing makes you feel more like herded cattle then riding the subways in NYC during rush hour. If there is any remote possibility that somebody can shove themselves onto the train, they're going to do it. This subsequently forces every tired, hungry, agitated rider who just wants to go home and watch Project Runway reruns to be squashed between somebody smelly, and somebody sweaty. It's never that your butt to butt with a small person--but that the biggest, most overwhelming person on the subways at 6:05 pm is the one that happens to be up against you until those train doors open again. If you're really lucky--they have luggage with them that smooshes every one of your ten toes so that you crawl out of the car when it finally opens--each toe completely bent.

Here's to more subway lines, and four day work weeks

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